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发布时间:2018-11-05 10:30:22  来源:  阅读次数:











1. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于霍夫森林—部分有向条件随机场的视频多目标跟踪方法研究(项目号:61671484);

2. 参与工业和信息化部文物保护装备重大专项项目:田野文物智能巡查管理系统(项目号:BZY16003,工信厅联装函【2015】766号);

3. 主持完成2012年湖北省自然科学基金面上项目:星敏感器空间频率特性对星探测能力的影响研究(项目号:2012FFC13301);

4. 主持完成2012年武汉市工业科技攻关计划项目:基于人脸信息的视频检索方法研究(项目号:201212521825);

5. 参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目:SOC的层次式内建自测试方法研究(项目号:90207020);

6. 参与完成国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于稀疏分解和非局部平均的乘性噪声图像滤波(项目号:61201448);

7. 参与并负责完成航天关键技术支撑项目:CMOS星图模拟系统和识别系统研究;

8. 参与完成武汉市工业科技攻关计划项目:面向平安城市的视频流媒体云服务关键技术研究(项目号:201210421136);

9. 主持完成中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:基于极坐标系的星图识别方法研究(项目号:CZQ11017)。


[1] Study on compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm of medical image based on curvelet transform of image block. Neurocomputing, 2017, 220: 191-198

[2] An Improved T/2 Fractionally Spaced Blind Equalization Algorithm with Coordinate Transform. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 2016, 9(12): 153-162

[3] Unscented Particle Filtering Algorithm for Optical-Fiber Sensing Intrusion Localization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Telkomnika, 2015, 13(1): 349-356

[4] A Novel SFLA Based Parameter Optimization Algorithm for GMM and Its Application in Driver's State Recognition. ICIC Express letters, 2015, 6(10): 2643-2648

[5] UKF-based underground intrusion localization algorithm for optical-fibre sensing perimeter protection. Computer Modelling & New Technologies, 2014, 18(3): 33-38

[6] De-speckling method based on non-local means and coefficient variation of SAR image ,electronics letters, 2014,50(18):1314-1316

[7] Local Entropy-based Adaptive-Weight LBP for Face Recognition. Biotechnology, 2014, 10(17): 9532-9537

[8] Underground Intrusion Localization and Identification for Distributed Optical-Fiber Sensing Perimeter Protection. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, 51(22): 108-115

[9] Star Acquisition Algorithm for Star Images with Complicated Backgrounds. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, 48(18): 75-82

[10] Intelligent Tobacco Curing Control Based on Color Recognition. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2013, 5(8): 2509-2513

[11] A Satellite Star Identification Algorithm Based on Polar Grid. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2013,48(1): 94-100

[12] Adaptive Federated Kalman Filtering Attitude Estimation Algorithm for Double-FOV Star sensor. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2010,6(10): 3201-3208

[13] A polar coordinate system based grid algorithm for star identification. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010,3(1): 34-38

[14] A double-FOV star sensor for high dynamic spacecraft navigation. Proceedings of the SPIE, MIPPR 2009, Yichang, China, 2009, 7494: 74940X-1-7

[15] Fuzzy Decision-Based Star Identification Algorithm Using Star Magnitudes. Proceedings of the 2008 international symposium on computational intelligence and design, Wuhan, China, 2008: 116~119

[16] Expanding the usage of the star sensor in spacecraft. Proceedings of the SPIE, the Second International Conference on Space Information Technology, Wuhan, China, 2007, 6795: 679521-1~6

[17] 基于仿真的功能级边界扫描测试码自动生成,华中科技大学学报,2004,Vol.32,No.2,P.26~28



1. 2012、2013年湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师(共3篇)

2. 2012~2015年中南民族大学优秀创新指导教师
